There has been a lot of buzz around what is going on at the corner of Caves Hwy. and Laurel Road. The Illinois Valley News has sent numerous emails and left plenty of messages to obtain more information, but to no avail.The property in question is owned by Dale Peters[Read More…]
Author: Daniel Mancuso
Life in the Valley of Riches
We have the fortune of having two interns right now. Ava Adams, is now a sophomore at IVHS and I hope to keep her until she heads off to school in three years through the fund for Oregon Rural Journalism (FORJ). Adams has had access to journalism training that one[Read More…]
Life in the Valley of Riches
by Dan Mancuso, Publisher Never a dull moment in Josephine County and after this important message from the Lions Club I will fill you in.Terry Trull from the Illinois Valley Lions Club is in need of volunteers Labor Day weekend to help in the hamburger stand. If you are willing[Read More…]
Notice of Vacancyin elective county office The Josephine County Board of Commissioners requests qualified individuals to apply for the interim appointment to fill a vacancy that has been created by the resignation of Commissioner Daniel E. DeYoung. The successful applicant will be appointed to serve until the person elected at[Read More…]
ODHS Emergency Cooling Center brings relief
With triple-digit heat outside, Sylvia Ceron and her team from the Office of Resilience and Emergency Management, which works under Oregon Department of Human Services, traveled to Cave Junction to help cool the heat with a bang on the Fourth of July. Ceron organized a cooling center July 4 through[Read More…]
Board plans to defund county health department
During the June 5 budget hearing County Commissioner Herman Baertschiger pulled what appeared to be a rabbit out of his hat, finding a way to add money for five patrol deputies for the Sheriff’s Office.After lengthy debate that included whether or not to use forest dollars and limiting the amount[Read More…]
Life in the Valley of Riches
Losing sucks, I’m not going to lie. But, the sting only lasts a few days and then it’s time to move forward.What really disturbs me is the low voter turnout. I spoke to many young adults in the community that had no plans to vote. Others are upset and disgusted[Read More…]
Life in the Valley of Riches
by Dan Mancuso,publisher Well as I write this, I have no idea how the election will go. Thank you to all who supported me and if not me, I thank those who voted at all. I have my fingers crossed. I don’t think I will make the top two, but[Read More…]
Life in the Valley of Riches
March came in like a lion, so if the theory goes, it should go out like a lamb. The dry and warm weather has been a blessing after the wet winter. To the dismay of many, this winter was really more of a typical winter. When I moved here In[Read More…]