Public Notice

Public Notice


Josephine County Delivered Log Sale

Sealed bids are anticipated to be received 9:00 a.m. Thursday, May 4, 2023, at the Josephine County Forestry Office located at 125 Ringuette Street, Grants Pass, Oregon 97527. Please go to or call 541-474-5291 to confirm the sale date and time. Delivered logs to be sold on sealed bid, scale basis.
WCWP Logging Contract 2023LC-1 is located in tax lots 300 of 33-6-31 and 100 of 33-7-36 and is estimated to contain 1,534 mbf of timber. County will receive bids for delivered logs from this contract.
Wolf Creek Placer Logging Contract 2023LC-2 is located in tax lots 200 of 34-6-6 and is estimated to contain 51 mbf of timber. County will receive bids for delivered logs from this contract.
Hugo Clean-up Logging Contract 2023LC-3 is located in tax lots 500 of 35-6-2A and is estimated to contain 70 mbf of timber. County will receive bids for delivered logs from this contract.
The County reserves the right to accept or reject any and all bids in its sole discretion with or without cause. Prospectus and sample contracts are available for review at Josephine County Forestry Office, 125 Ringuette St., Grants Pass, Oregon 97527, or may be accessed online at under Forestry Dept.
Board of County Commissioners
Herman E. Baertschiger Jr.
John West
Daniel E. DeYoung

Published April 19 and 26, 2023 in the Illinois Valley News


STATE vs MQ Power Generator/Black Southland Trailer/$8,005.00 US Currency/$1,660.00 US Currency/$2,819.00 US Currency/$103,570.00 US Currency
PERSON FROM WHOM PROPERTY WAS SEIZED: David Norman Miller/Jiankang Chen/Yongming Chen/Liuyue Xie/Matthew Gordon Ellingwood/Thomas Gordon Draper/Cameron Roger Dailey/Naham McCain Harris
You must “claim” an interest in the above-described seized property or you will automatically lose any interest you may have. The deadline for filing is 21 days from the date of the last publication of this notice. To “claim” you must file with the “forfeiture counsel” listed below, a legal paper called a “claim”. The claim must be signed by the claimant and sworn under penalty of perjury before a notary public. The claim shall set forth all of the following: a) Your true name; b) The address at which you will accept future mailings from the court or forfeiture counsel; and c) A statement that you have an interest in the seized property.
FORFEITURE COUNSEL: Josephine County District Attorney’s Office, 500 NW 6th Street, Dept 16, Grants Pass, OR 97526; 541-474-5200
Josephine County Sheriff’s Office, 1901 NE F Street, Grants Pass, OR 97526; 541-474-5123
Case #22-2044; #22-0800; #22-0652; #22-0672; #22-2242

On 09/13/22; 04/07/22; 03/23/22, 10/08/22 the above-described property was seized by the Josephine County Sheriff’s Office. The property is subject to forfeiture under ORS 131.550-131.600 as proceeds and/or instrumentalities used in the following prohibited conduct, and/or the solicitation, attempt or conspiracy to commit the following prohibited conduct: possession of a controlled substance, delivery of a controlled substance and/or manufacture of a controlled substance. Forfeiture means that the property will be deprived of that interest without compensation because of the use or acquisition of the property in or through prohibited conduct as defined in ORS 131.550-131.600.

PUBLISHED IN THE ILLINOIS VALLEY NEWS on April 12, 19, 26 and May 3, 2023


Notice is hereby provided that the City of Cave Junction will begin spraying the right-of-way within city limits beginning April 20, 2023 (weather and wind conditions permitting). Spraying will be performed by Greenway Spray, a contract sprayer.
A “NO SPRAY” program is available for property owners who do not wish the city to spray along the right-of-way abutting their personal property.
Applications to participate in the no-spray program will be available at City Hall at 222 W. Lister Street, Cave Junction, Oregon or can be printed out from the city’s website at Participants in the no-spray program must have a completed 2023 Property Owner Annual Agreement form on file at City Hall and must use signage provided by the city. Only those participants that have completed the No-Spray Annual Agreement and have been provided the City’s No Spray signs will be recognized during the spray process. Participants may not sign an annual agreement on behalf of other residents or addresses other than the address they own.
No Spray signs must be up no later than April 19, 2023 and must be taken down no later than June 15, 2023. There will be no charge for the first set of signs provided by the City.
The City will be inspecting “No Spray” zones on a weekly basis beginning May 01, 2023. Right-of-ways that are found in violation of the maintenance required in accordance with City Municipal Code 8.08.090 will be documented, and maintenance will be completed by the City Public Works staff. Property owners who have not maintained their right-of-way, will be notified of this action and informed that they no longer qualify for the city’s “No Spray” program.
If you have questions concerning this No Spray program, please contact City Hall at 541 592-2156. We would be happy to answer your questions and explain the program.
Published March, 22, 29, April 5 12 & 19


Notice is hereby given that on Thursday, May 04, 2023 at 7 p.m. the Cave Junction Parks & Recreation Commission will conduct a meeting at the City Hall Chambers located at 222 Lister Street, Cave Junction, Oregon. The public is invited to attend the meeting in person or by ZOOM: ID: 860 1278 2852 Password: 744052
The agenda for this meeting includes but is not limited to: Minutes; SprayPad/Playground Progress; Old Stage Park Update; Four Way Foundation Grant Update; Park projects financial update (funding raising); Skatepark; Tabling Events; Public Comment; 2023/24 Budget Discussion.
Published in the Illinois Valley News April 26, 2023



Bulk Water Distribution Facility
Sealed bids will be opened and publicly read at the City of Cave Junction, City Hall, 222 W. Lister Street, Cave Junction, Oregon 97523 at 2:00pm on Tuesday, May 16, 2023 for the above referenced project.
Subcontractor Disclosure forms must be submitted prior to 4:00pm on the same date. Proposals received after the time fixed for opening will not be considered.
A non-mandatory pre-bid conference will be held at 2:00pm local time on May 9, 2023 at Cave Junction City Hall located at 222 W. Lister Street, Cave Junction, Oregon 97523.
Award of contract will not be final until the later of: 1) Three (3) business days after the City of Cave Junction announces Notice of Intent to Award; or, 2) the City of Cave Junction provides a written response to each timely protest, denying the protest and affirming the award.
On all projects, work performed by the Contractor’s own organization must be at least 30% of the awarded contract amount.
Bid Documents may be viewed and ordered online by registering with the Issuing Office at under Current Bidding. Bidders may download the digital plan documents for $20.00 through QuestCDN (Ebid #8491157 ) Please contact QuestCDN at 952-233-1632 or for assistance in free membership registration, downloading, and working with this digital project information. Following registration, complete sets of Bidding Documents may be downloaded from the Issuing Office’s website as “zipped” portable document format (PDF) files. Bidders must add their name to the plan holders list at time of document purchase to be eligible to bid.
All prospective bidders must provide a valid e-mail address and be added to the Plan Holders List when downloading the documents from Notification of Addenda issuance will be issued via e-mail to the addresses listed on the Plan Holders List. Bid results will be made available on the city’s website:
Each bid proposal shall be accompanied by a bid proposal deposit in cash, certified check, cashier’s check, postal money order, or surety bond in an amount equal to at least five (5) percent of the amount of such bid proposal. Checks shall be made payable to the City of Cave Junction. Should the successful bidder fail to enter into such contract and furnish satisfactory performance and payment bond within the time stated in the specifications, the bid proposal deposit shall be forfeited to the City of Cave Junction.
This project consists of the following improvements: Furnishing all labor, equipment, and materials necessary to construct Bulk water filling station, water lines and connections, security fence, noise wall, commercial driveway approach, asphalt pavement, concrete at filling station, treatment/detention pond, drainage structures and pipes, and other noted Appurtenances within the limit of work.
Work shall begin no earlier than May 31st, 2023. Please direct all questions to Matt Boley project manager at (541) 266-8601 or
No bid will be received or considered by the City of Cave Junction unless bidder signs the bid proposal. Bids must identify whether the bidder is a resident bidder, as defined in ORS 279A.120.
The City of Cave Junction may not consider a bid for a public improvement contract unless the bidder is licensed by the Construction Contractors Board.
The City of Cave Junction may reject any bid not in compliance with all public contracting procedures and requirements, including the requirement to demonstrate the bidder’s responsibility under ORS 279C.375, and may reject for good cause any or all bids upon a finding by the City of Cave Junction that it is in the public’s interest to do so.
QuestCDN: April 26, 2023, Illinois Valley News: April 26, 2023 & Daily Journal of Commerce: April 26, 2023
