
Letters to the editor

Illinois Valley News welcomes letters to the editor.
Please e-mail them to laura@theivnews.com

POLICY ON LETTERS: ‘Illinois Valley News’ encourages letters to the editor provided they are legible and not libelous or scurrilous. All letters must be signed, including name, address and telephone number. The latter need not be published but will be used to verify authenticity. The “News” reserves the right to edit letters. Letters are used at the discretion of the publisher.

(Editor’s Note: Views and commentary, including statements made as fact are strictly those of the letter writers)

It’s an election year and we are hearing a lot from the politicians. One line of messaging is very troubling to me. The former president is pushing a platform that is based on fear and hate. He wants his followers to believe that anyone who disagrees with him is a bad person, not to be trusted. The result of that is that folks begin to distrust their neighbors, their co-workers, their kids’ best friends’ parents. Distrust can become fear, fear can become hate. Nothing good comes from hate, only anxiety, suspicion and sometimes violence. This fear and hate is unnecessary. I have friends who have very different beliefs and opinions but we still like and respect each other. We can just get along. When we mail in our ballots this fall let’s vote for our candidate of choice but let’s not let fear and hate guide our decision.
Donalee Hyland
Cave Junction