by Dan Mancuso, Publisher
Never a dull moment in Josephine County and after this important message from the Lions Club I will fill you in.
Terry Trull from the Illinois Valley Lions Club is in need of volunteers Labor Day weekend to help in the hamburger stand. If you are willing to volunteer or know someone that wants to volunteer please contact Trull at 541-415-8443. The Lions Club could really use some help.
OK, back to what’s going on in JoCo. Certainly, you know by now that there is an active recall for Josephine County Commissioner John West.
As I have stated in the past, I am against recalls unless they have broken the law or failed to live up to their fiduciary responsibilities. In the past, I didn’t support the Cassinelli, Walker or even the short-lived Simon Hare recall attempt.
West however does fall into the category that I can support.
What little I know of West from sitting on boards with him, I will say that he does have a nice personality, but I do not like his politics and actions to date as a commissioner.
The two most egregious actions in my mind would be the illegal termination of county employee Trish House and the defunding of 4-H.
West along with Baertschiger voted to terminate House for being rude to the public. I have dealt with Trish for about six or so years and not once ever heard her be anything but professional. They found two people to sign affidavits stating she was rude. One person here in the Valley and the other happens to be our newest commissioner, Andreas Blech. I am not saying anything other than it seems hinky.
I say that because House was a witness on a BOLI complaint filed by a county department head accusing the commissioner of surveilling him. That case has not been ruled on yet and was slated for sometime soon.
The 4-H board made up of the three commissioners have chosen to not collect the public approved tax that helps support it for the past two years. They claim it is due to lack of transparency. That too seems hinky as it’s never been a problem before. It comes on the heels of a dispute over religious symbols on 4-H official clothing.
Other issues are when West put the safety of the citizens behind his alleged desire to profit when he voted to include ODF as home fire protection.
West was against maintaining the prior funding levels for the sheriff’s department. When I complained about how the people would feel misled, he said to me, “If the people don’t like it, they can recall the public safety district after two years.” I see that along with his votes for sheriff funding as someone who does not want the district and seems to do what he can to hamper its success.
The list is long. I do believe West thinks he is doing no wrong and what he was elected to do. I just don’t think he is looking out for all of Josephine residents.
I have droned on too long at this point so I will end with this. Speaking truth to power often comes with risk.
“In a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” ~George Orwell, novelist and social critic
Have a great week! Thank you for picking up this week’s paper. Enjoy! ~ djm