Illinois Valley News welcomes letters to the editor. Please e-mail them to
‘Illinois Valley News’ encourages letters to the editor provided they are legible and not libelous or scurrilous. All letters must be signed, including name, address and telephone number. The latter need not be published, but will be used to verify authenticity. The “News” reserves the right to edit letters. Letters are used at the discretion of the publisher.
(Editor’s Note: Views and commentary, including statements made as fact are strictly those of the letter writers)
Regarding removal of Pomeroy Dam
I have lived on the Illinois River just below Pomeroy Dam for over 20 years. I speak in favor of restoring this section of river to its natural flow. It is already designated “Wild and Scenic,” the word “Wild” being the first requirement. Sure, with removal, the river will change a bit before it settles into its natural seasonal rhythms, destroying nothing. I support the organization, Water Watch, overseeing the removal/restoration work. It has been years in the making to get it right and get it started. So let’s continue to bring back the “wild” of our beautiful Illinois River.
Shahoma McAlister
Cave Junction