Thursday, March 23, 1972
Friends of Mae Salvage will be happy to know that she has returned to Cave Junction after a year’s absence. She bought a trailer home and it will be placed near the Sturgis home about that 1st of April, Until Mae is ready to move into her new home, she will be visiting Irene Sturgis. Although Mae enjoyed the year she was away, she is happy to be back in the Valley again, because Cave Junction is her home, and she and her husband Fred have lived here for 26 years. Fred was civic minded and was president of the Illinois Valley Mineral and Hobby Club, and was a member of other clubs and local organizations. He was mayor of the city of Cave Junction for two terms, and it was during one of his terms that the sewer system plans were started.
Mae visited with her daughter, Mrs. Henriksen, and the three grandchildren who live in Grenada Hills, Calif. For several months. She was a guest of the Knipples in Kingman, and while in Arizona, she also visited her brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Jamison who live in Parkridge.
Osmond and Margaret Henry drove to Myrtle Creek Saturday to take their grandson Lawrence Jones home and to bring his sister Laura back with them to visit her grandparents during spring vacation. Laura says she is having a ball.
Hugh and Orpha Haddock, Riverbanks Road, Grants Pass, visited Phayo and Ruthy Pfefferle last week. The Haddocks and Pfefferles have been friends for many years and were neighbors in Klamath Falls where their children went through school together.
Johanne Howland, daughter of Kjeld and Evelyn Grimsgaard, stopped to see her parents on the way home to Costa Mesa, California. Johanne has recently returned from an extended vacation in Europe.
Gary Chastain, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Chastain, is visiting his parents during mid-term vacation. He attends Clackamas College. His mother told me that Gary had made all A’s on his last exams and had made a record for the school in track, running one mile in 4,3 minutes. Gary said he was not really that good, and was not attending college just for track, but he had to run fast to keep the others from running over him.
The Chastains have recently had friends visiting them from Reno, Nevada, evangelists Mr. and Mrs. Don Mitchell.
Olen and Sondra Dixon and their children are now living in Boring, Oregon. Former residents of Wilderville, Sondra is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Chastain.
Following are historical facts about this area, correct as near as several long-time residents could ascertain. I find the statements very interesting, as I do all of the early history of Josephine County.