
Lions All-Wheels Show Results

The Illinois Valley Lions Club held their annual All-Wheels Show at Jubilee Park June 29. Lions Club show coordinator Dave Dyer reported that the show had excellent attendance. “There was over 100 cars and everyone had a good time listening to music. It was ‘Americana’ like Parker says – a good family event.”
Here are the winners:

Best of Show,
Len Atalas, 63 Corvette
Best of Paint,
Russ Baker, ‘59 Impala
Lion’s Choice,
Joe Gastongoay
Monique’s Choice, Martha Steraube, 1941 toy car
Furthest Traveled from California, Troy Bishop
Best Import, John and Kassey Sedlack
Best Club Participation, Curry County Cruiser
People’s Choice, Keith
Kessing, ‘61 Nova
Best Lady’s Vehicle,
Martha Straube
Best Modified Hot Rod,
Jeff Staples
Best Open Motorcycle Class, Dave Crescent
Best Rate Motorcycle,
Harvey Caron
Best Chopper Motorcycle, Harvey Caron
Best Import Motorcycle,
Jim Ketcum
Best 4×4, Sam Serrage
Best Truck 1960 – present,
Gary Barbar
Favorite 1990 – Present,
Dave Wills
Favorite ‘80 – ‘89,
Kristi Stanion
Favorite ‘70-’79, Ken Rucker
Favorite ‘60-’69,
Dave Crescent
Favorite ‘50 – ‘59,
Paul Ackun
Favorite ‘40 – ‘49,
Patsy and Jem Haggerty
Favorite ‘30 – ‘39,
Robert Willang
Favorite pre ‘30s car,
Charles Greenwood
Favorite Corvette 1980 – Present John Stydlemyer
Best Corvette 1953 – 1979,
Ron Atkinson
Best Under Construction,
Jeff Bradjhen
Best Daily Driver, Ken Merritt
Best Rat Rod,
David W. Smith
Best Custom Rod, Ed Bryan