Hello and happy (I hope not temporary) Spring greetings from the Illinois Valley Country Club golf course!
We got through our second round of mowing last week, just before it rained another 3 inches and soaked the course again.
Todd was able to get the greens mowed the day after it finished raining so they’re running pretty quick. The fertilizer really turned them green too. Troy took the Jacobsen mower out to get a little fairway mowing done and got #7 almost finished but the wheel fell off. Two weeks ago, while he was mowing with the little Toro, a wheel fell off of that one too! Troy the DesTROY er.
The ditch that runs along the teebox on #9 formerly had a gravel bar just downstream of where the Kerby Ditch and George Creek cross. The bar was keeping the water from flowing past the teebox and out to the river. The neighbors got tired of the water coming down the Kerby Ditch as the Kerby Ditch has some holes in it on their property, so they took a small machine and pulled the gravel back, allowing George Creek to stay in its banks. It sure is pretty with the water flowing all down that creek.
We were able to play skins a few days during the week and split the skins money five ways one day with Troy, Todd, D’Lynn, Roland and John winning skins. This is John’s first skin in a pretty long time so it was nice that he got one. Unfortunately, he had to split the money but it built confidence in hopes that he likes the game again.
On Sunday we had a nice group of about 12 guys playing skins. The weather was very sunny but still chilly. James chipped one in on #4 and won the only skin for a payout of $120! I lost a ball on every hole I think but got some compliments on my drive on #6 which sailed over the little trees in the rough and ended up maybe 75 yards from the green. Todd remarked that the ball might have made it all the way to the green if the ground was dry.
The practice green is all fuzzy and the bentgrass is really filling in nicely. I can see where I spread the triple 13 fertilizer and I need to fill in a bit more but the green is ready to start the month long process of bringing the mowing down little by little until it is a putting surface. You have to only cut about the top third of the grass blades until you get it all the way down to a 16th of an inch or you risk scalding the new grass. A little weed and feed is necessary too because it’s about 40% weeds now.
A few guys traveled over to Dutcher Creek for a $20 skins competition but they didn’t look too enthused on returning so I don’t expect that they took any money home. I think they were happy to be at I.V., even if it is still a little muddy.
The high school teams are out on the course every afternoon and it is fun watching them when they first start playing and then seeing them progress into skilled golfers. Fred Hults is the girls’ coach and sure knows his game, wonderful having him be a part of the course.
The Men’s Club and the Ladies Clubs are getting geared up for twilight league already. The first week of league starts April 22 so tell everyone you know so that we have a successful turnout and a fun summer of golf.
**And remember, kids 17 and under play for free at IVCC.