
Good Shepherd Lutheran

He Is Risen Indeed!
Jesus trafficked in the impossible. He redefined what possibility is and what it means! When he said, “All things are possible,” but he wasn’t just talking the talk. He walked the walk.
During his ministry he turned water into wine, changed weather patterns and calmed storms. He walked on water and made it possible for one of the disciples to walk on water with him. He restored sight, healed the sick, made the lame walk and made the deaf hear. He even raised the dead. And on Easter morning, he rose from the dead, too.
Jesus redefined what is and what isn’t possible. That’s what those miracles represent. A redefinition of possibility. Jesus said, “Everything is possible to him who believes.” In the spiritual realm, faith is the only difference between what’s impossible and what’s possible. Impossibilities disappear as we develop our faith.
But faith means being willing to release control over a situation and let God take over. I think sometimes we analyze and theorize rather than just letting God be God. God isn’t looking for people to tell him what he can’t do! He’s looking for people who believe there is nothing he can’t do!
I love being around people who ask God to do absolutely ridiculous things because they have that much faith in him. I want to be around people whose faith defies the natural laws of the possible! And here’s something else we all need to remember: God doesn’t answer the prayers we don’t pray! Jesus said, “You have not because you ask not.”
As we look around at the world this year, sometimes it seems as if the wheels are coming off civilized society. Civility itself seems a thing of the past. Cruelty, hatred, and meanness seem to be celebrated, whether in the random street attacks we see on the streets in our big cities, the closing of our eyes to the sick and the homeless, or the hunger for war that seems to be engulfing the entire world. We wonder what it will take for compassion and caring to return and replace the epidemic of cruelty and condemnation. What can we do? It’s a problem that seems unsolvable and on our down days we wonder if it’s ever going to get fixed or if we can ever get back to normal.
But our problems are only unsolvable when we try to fix them all by ourselves. When we try to overthink them instead of turning them over to the one who already has all the answers. For God, nothing is impossible. And as we see the image of that empty tomb we’re reminded once again that for God, the only impossible thing is the one we haven’t turned over to him yet. We just need to ask him and ask confidently because he can do anything. Even the impossible. We know that and know it for certain because Jesus is Risen! He is risen indeed!