Public Notice

Public Notice – Dec. 20, 2023



Josephine County Fairgrounds Pavilion Floor Project

Josephine County Fairgrounds

Josephine County Fairgrounds is accepting bids for the Josephine County Pavilion Floor project.  Sealed bids will be accepted at Josephine County Fairgrounds, 1451 Fairgrounds Road, Grants Pass, Oregon 97527 until 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, January 30, 2024, at which time they will be publicly opened and read, and after which time they will not be received or accepted.  Faxed or emailed bids will not be accepted.  Bids must be submitted to:  McKenzie Crume, Senior Administrative Supervisor, 1451 Fairgrounds Road, Grants Pass, OR  97527.

This project requires the contractor to remove, repair and rejuvenate approximately 15,000 sq feet of the tile flooring located in the Pavilion Building.  Once the floor has been removed and disposed of, the concrete will need to be grinded and stamp sealed. There may be areas of the concrete that will need to be repaired as part of this project, but this will not be known until the original floor has been removed.  Bid documents may be viewed and downloaded at the following website link:

Mandatory Pre-Bid Conference:  A mandatory pre-bid conference and walkthrough will begin at the site at Josephine County Fairgrounds, 1451 Fairgrounds Road, Grants Pass Oregon 97527 on Monday, January 8, 2024 at 10:00 a.m.  Bidders or their authorized representatives are required to attend this mandatory pre-bid conference.  Bids will be accepted only from Bidders who have attended the pre-bid conference.

Prequalification of Bidders is required.  Bidders may obtain a Prequalification Application from Josephine County Facilities Services, 705 NW Dimmick Street, Grants Pass, Oregon 97526.  The class of work for which Bidders must be prequalified is Construction.  Prequalification Applications must be submitted no later than 2:00 p.m.  on January 15, 2024.

This contract is for a public works project subject to prevailing wage rates under ORS 279C.800 to 279C.870.



The Three Rivers School District Board of Directors is looking for two volunteers to fill positions on the Budget Committee. These positions are for Zones I and IV, effective through June 30, 2025.

The Board will be accepting applications for appointment to fill the expired vacancies. All applications must be submitted to the District Office no later than January 5, 2024. Applicants must be registered voters and reside within the Three Rivers School District. Further information and application forms may be obtained at: District Administration Office located at 8550 New Hope Road, Grants Pass, OR 97527; by calling the business office (541) 862-3222 ext:5260; or accessing the district website at
Published in the Illinois Valley News Nov. 29, Dec 6 & 27


On Thursday, December 21, 2023 at 10 a.m. the Cave Junction City Council is scheduled to conduct a Special City Council Meeting. The meeting will be conducted via ZOOM only. Public participation is possible through a ZOOM video platform: ID 873 5044 6099
Password: 809916.
The Public is invited to attend the zoom council meeting. Public comment will not be invited at this particular session.
The single agenda item for this special meeting will be limited to: PWD Alex Ponder will provide City Council with bids obtained for the purchase of an excavator. Purchase of this excavator can be found in the city’s annual budget (Vehicle Replacement) approved for FY 2023/2024. The City Council will discuss and motion to approve one of the three bids and may authorize said purchase. Adjournment
Published in the Dec. 20, 2023 Illinois Valley News


PThis legal notice is for the tenants at 315 Caves Hwy. Suite A. You must remove all your personal belongings and remove the abandoned car from the parking lot by Jan. 3, 2024 due to nonpayment and abandonment of the office site. If you do not collect your car and personal belongings by the aforementioned date they will be disposed of. Publish 12,20 & 12.27.

