Thinking of buying a real Christmas tree this year? Illinois Valley Fire District recommends that you make sure it won’t become a fire hazard by following these fire safety tips:
*Cut the bottom 1 inch of the tree off to ensure the tree will absorb water.
*Water the tree DAILY. A dry tree burns easily!
*Only use UL-approved Christmas lights that do not get hot. Plug them in properly – do not overload extension cords or outlets.
*Keep candles and other heat sources away from the tree.
*Keep pets that might chew or gnaw on light cords away from the tree.
*If decorating for the season:
*Avoid overloading electrical outlets with multiple decorations and extension cords, which can cause overheating and create a fire hazard. You can use power strips with surge protection to safely accommodate your decorations, and be careful about the total wattage to prevent tripped circuits or blown fuses.