Oct. 13
**Wine in the Vines at Brideview Vineyards for the I.V. HOPE Village fundraiser. Wine Tasting with small bites, live music and silent and live auctions, Friday, Sept. 8 at 5 – 8 p.m., see ad on page 11.
Oct. 14
**Acorn Festival is going to be Oct. 14 at the Kerby Belt Building 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Dinner at 5 p.m. Scarecrow Contest with $100 prize for the most votes. Should be life-sized” for outdoor viewing. And be set up and signed in at the Acorn Festival by 11am. Public will vote for their favorite scarecrow.
**Gateway Project Gate Auction 4 to 8 p.m. at Siskiyou Field Institute, 1241 Illinois River Rd. Selma, Or. Silent and live auctions of 30 local artists’ decorated gates. Celebrate our community’s status as Gateway to the Oregon Caves! Dance to the music of Tim Wallace & Michelle LeComte, and enjoy the witty banter of Auctioneer Dan Mancuso. Food by Vango’s Hawaiian Fusion and beverages will be for sale. BYO seating. Tickets: $10 in advance at Bigfoot Print & Copy, Lister at Hwy 199. Or go to Illinois River Valley Arts Council’s website: www.irvac.org and click on Upcoming Events. Admission at the door: $15. IRVAC is a 501c3 public benefit organization. 541-592-4444.
Oct. 16
CJ’s Aglow guest speaker for Monday, Oct.16 @10:30 a.m. is Mary Gaynor. Mary went to Bible college in the Bible belt. I’m really enjoying hearing the good news from her. Come and enjoy. Matthew and Debijo are leading worship. Bridgeview Church, 5181 Holland Loop Rd,
OCT. 20
**Valley Girls Quilt Show. Come down to I.V. Senior Center (520 E. River St., CJ) to view stunning quilts from the Illinois Valley never seen before. I.V. Senior Center will be offering lunch selections. Featuring country store, bingo, raffle quilt, raffle baskets. Admission $5, children 12 & under free. Fri. 10-4, Sat 10-3.
OCT. 20
**8th Annual Upcycle Art/Furniture/Trash Fashion Contest will take place at the Cave Junction Farmers’ Market (across from Kerby Museum) on Friday October 20th! Cash prizes! Be creative and participate! Email Alisa for details: cjfarmersmarketinfo@gmail.com
OCT. 23 – Nov. 16
**Illinois Valley Community Emergency Response Team (IVCERT) is holding an 8 evening CERT training class on consecutive Monday and Thursday evenings from 6 to 9 pm beginning October 23 and ending November 16. This class is free and is an opportunity to learn disaster survival skills.
**Food Pantry Tuesdays 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. Cave Junction Adventist/Community Services Food Distribution, 265 S. Old Stage Rd. Volunteers are needed to help stock, date check, sort food, pack boxes and handout food boxes, etc. to volunteer please email cavejunctionacs@gmail.com.
Contributions can by made out to the CJ Seventh-day Adventist Church and identify that they are in support of the Community Service by writing “CJACS” in the memo section of your check. Mail to: Cave Junction Seventh-day Adventist Church PO Box 330, Cave Junction, OR 97523
**Josephine County Weekly Business session. First Wednesday of the month is at 6 p.m. All others 9 a.m. in the Ann Basker Auditorium in Grants Pass.
**Public Health Wednesdays: Pop Up Parks Outreach Program -Weather permitting, COVID-19 vaccinations, STD prevention & HIV testing, JoCo Food Bank, bottled water, wound care supplies and more. I.V. Family Coalition, 535 E. River St., 12 – 1 p.m. & Jubilee Park 1:15 – 2:15 p.m. and lunch served by I.V. Living Solutions. Sponsored by JoCo Public Health and HIV Alliance. Call or text Laura Mancuso with I.V. Wellness Resources for info at 541-592-9781 or email ivwellnessresources@gmail.com.
**Take your bottles and cans to IVCanDo’s Cans for Kids behind the Chevron Station 10 – 2.
**Volunteers Wanted Josephine County Sheriff’s Office is seeking volunteers for the following; Staffing the Merlin and Cave Junction Substations; Patrol including providing vacation home checks, checking parks & boat ramps, locating and tagging abandoned vehicles. And providing court safety.
**Tobacco Cessation Workshop by AllCare HealthTobacco Cessation Workshop – Open to all community members! 1 hour Sessions Sept. 22, 29; Oct. 6, 13, 20, 27 12 to 1 p.m. at Illinois Valley Family Coalition, 535 East River St, Cave Junction. Call Julie, 541-471-4106, ext 8276
**Drop-in Storytime at Josephine County Library in Cave Junction, 11 a.m. - 2 p.m., with stories read aloud by Deborah every half hour and a themed craft available all day. For families on a tight time schedule, craft kits are available to take home!
**Kerby Food Pantry change: The Pop up pantry in Selma has moved. the same time at 1:30 – 2:30 p.m., but will be in Kerby in the parking lot where the Farmers’ Market happens. 21400 Redwood Highway, Kerby. Questions call 541-479-5556.
**Adopt-A-Senior **Volunteers wanted to assist senior and disabled residents in their home with light duty activities and /or socialization and to drive residents to doctor or grocery store. Gift cards are provided for volunteers. Background check and references required call 541-592-9781 or email ivwellnessresources@gmail.com.
** HIV Alliance offers services in Cave Junction every Tuesday from noon – 3 p.m. at Immanuel United Methodist Church (across from Shop Smart). Services include: Free and confidential HIV and Hep C testing. Needle Exchange and drop box (all syringes welcome), and overdose response and Naloxone training.