
Weekend autumn fundraisers in the Valley

Renney (left) and Anne Doser getting help from I.V. Garden Club member Carol Carter (right) in finding a lung care herb at the Fall Plant Sale Saturday, Sept. 23 in the True Value parking lot. (Photo by Laura Mancuso for the Illinois Valley News)
Sophie Traub gets a pie in the face after helping to raise $1,000 during the pie auction held in the Bridgeview Vineyard Tasting Room for the KXCJ Community Radio Station “Crossroads” Fundraiser Saturday, Sept. 23. (Photo by Laura Mancuso for the Illinois Valley News)

Summer fun part 2

Left clockwise: Jeff Stiles get a big hug from Megan Pugh after winning his I.V. Chamber of Commerce Person of the Year Award and Lindsey B. Jones gives a cheer after winning the Community Spirit Award at the Concerts in the Park Thursday, Aug. 3; Mark Camp soaks the Tuff Truck crowd Saturday, Sept. 2; Roscoe Grimes cuts the city’s 75th birthday cake with a chainsaw at the Jubilee Jamboree and then enters the pie eating contest Saturday, June 10 and wins!; and the best dressed award for the Lions Club Labor Day Festival goes to the Kerbyville Museum. (Photos by Laura Mancuso for the Illinois Valley News)