It can be stressful watching and monitoring the development of the Smith River Complex Fire and checking the local smoke levels regularly to decide if it is safe to go out and water the garden or take the dog for a walk. Now, where is my Family Emergency Preparedness Handbook? I know I have one. Not to worry. I can go to the Rogue Valley Emergency Management site, rvem.org, and get all the information I need there. I have gathered my important papers and packed “to go” bags for me and my dog, Zadee. My car is ready to go, and I have plenty of water. I have checked on my neighbors to make sure they are ready also. I have signed up for the Citizen Alert system to receive emergency messages. So, I can relax now and get on with the rest of the week.
I am grateful for the hundreds of volunteers who risk their lives working in dangerous and difficult conditions. There are currently seven active fires in Oregon ranging from 95 to 34,242 acres. Technically the Happy Camp Complex Klamath NF fire, currently at 10,507 acres, is in California. Information about these fires is changing all the time. Good places to get up to date information on the internet or cell phone are with the programs Watch Duty and inciweb.nwcg.gov. I also regularly monitor the Real-Time Air Quality Index (AQI) at aqi.oregon.gov. There is also a mobile apple available for smart phones. Simply search for Oregon Air in your app store.
Here is an interesting fact. In 1980 only 30% of Oregonians lived in clear air areas that met national health standards for air pollution. Today, all areas in Oregon meet these standards. This success is the result of clean air strategies developed by DEQ. Unfortunately, another group of toxic air pollutants such as benzene and diesel particulates have emerged as a significant concern.
On a brighter note. New things may be happening downtown. The city of Cave Junction is developing some “Paint the Pavement” guidelines. This could be one way to brighten up our downtown! Main Street Cave Junction is also purchasing bicycle racks for the downtown area.
The Groundbreaking ceremony for the 2270 square foot spray pad with over 17 features will be Saturday, Sept. 2 at 11 a.m. at the Jubilee Park Playground. Thank you Parks & Recreation Commission members, city staff, city engineers and fund raisers!