
Letters to the editor

Illinois Valley News welcomes letters to the editor. Please e-mail them to laura@theivnews.com

Illinois Valley News’ encourages letters to the editor provided they are legible and not libelous or scurrilous. All letters must be signed, including name, address and telephone number. The latter need not be published, but will be used to verify authenticity. The “News” reserves the right to edit letters. Letters are used at the discretion of the publisher.

(Editor’s Note: Views and commentary, including statements made as fact are strictly those of the letter writers.)

Reader says pick up your trash
I was out Monday morning, picking up the Cave’s Highway of trash, when I was surprised to come across a particularly large area of electrical debris. As I picked the small pieces of plastic, wire casings, and wires up I was shocked to see the SPECTRUM name stamped on some of the plastic. My wife and I have picked up tons of trash throughout the valley roads in the last three years, but somehow this SPECTRUM trash really hit a nerve. It took me almost half an hour to pick up all of their discarded material.
In recent years our town and valley has been striving hard to overcome the poor reputation we have been labeled with. (“Worst small town in Oregon to live” I recently saw on the Internet). To have a company the size of SPECTRUM feel free to liter our roads at their work sites disgusts me. I feel very tempted to return their property to their lobby floor. We live in a beautiful valley. PLEASE help keep our roads free of liter. Keeping a trash bag handy in your car is a great start.
Getting out and picking up trash along your street is a great way to get in your daily exercise. Remember to take the cans and bottles to the Cans for Kids on Saturday mornings behind the Chevron.
Jim Lettis
Cave Junction

Animal abuse is a real crime
I read the 5/12 Courier front page w/ much disgust. Judge Wolke followed thru on the recommendation that Danielle Brown LaRue only receive 60 days in jail for her part in the well publicized Pawsitive K-9 gross abuse of animal’s case, as well as her flight from arrest, and then to be found months later with more animals in horrid conditions. I remain at a loss as to why these gross animal abusers, like Gina Marshal, Michael Christopher Carpenter and especially Kandi Crow, just receive a slap on the wrist. But wait, they are placed on probation and ordered to pay large sums in restitution. The problem is that they are repeat offenders & the county will never see a dime. These tiny sentences, accompanied by unrealistic probation/ restitution rulings, are an affront to the residents of JoCo who continually vote to spend their own money to support animal protection services. Next up in court is Joe LaRue, who is the alleged “ring leader” of this horrid animal abuse story. I would hope that those of us who voted with our wallets, and all animal lovers, make a lot of noise. This guy needs to go to prison.
Brad Vincent