On May 8, 2023, the Josephine Marijuana Enforcement Team with the assistance of Josephine County Public Health & Building Safety, executed a search warrant in the 2000 block of Thompson Creek Road, Selma, regarding an illegal indoor marijuana grow site.
During the execution of the warrant, more than 500 pounds of processed marijuana and 1,869 marijuana plants were seized and destroyed.
The property also had multiple electrical, water and solid waste code violations. These violations could result in the criminal forfeiture of the property.
While authorities were on scene, an individual at the property was briefly detained for the duration of the search. The individual was questioned by detectives and is believed to be a victim of human trafficking. Upon completion of the search, the individual was released to UNETE officials, who provided aid and resources for their situation.
The primary suspect was not at the location during the search. They will be charged with unlawful manufacturing of marijuana, unlawful possession of marijuana and unlawful appropriation of water if located.
At the time of this press release the investigation is ongoing and no further details are being released.