To address the effects of homelessness in the Illinois Valley, the nonprofit 501(c) 3 Illinois Valley Living Solutions is planning for a transitional housing facility in the city of Cave Junction.
“I.V. Living Solutions is focused on supporting those with housing insecurities in our community,” said IVLS Board President Laura Mancuso.
“Our organization is dedicated to providing for the immediate basic needs and services for unhoused individuals and their families. We help with emergency situations like providing blankets and food and are also very busy planning I.V. HOPE Village.”
The site for the village has been purchased and secured at Kerby Ave. between Schumacher and Watkins streets. Building plans will be submitted soon to the city of Cave Junction by Gerlitz Engineering.
According to Mancuso, this development will be an attractive addition to the neighborhood, featuring a privacy fence, will keep old-growth canopy trees, have natural landscaping and follow FireWise recommendations. “There will be a community center built that will have bathrooms, showers, laundry room, a community kitchen and offices for supportive services. There will be 15 tiny housing units in the village that will have a bed, small dresser and an electric outlet.
“Some of the features in I.V. HOPE that I think are really special are the dog park and community garden being planned.”
If you are wondering how IVLS got the money for this project here is the scoop: Funding from Rep. Lily Morgan’s 2021 House Bill 5006 of $630,000 is being used to start this facility. Mid-Rogue Foundation (formerly AllCare Community Foundation) is the financial sponsor that manages the funding at the moment and bought the 3.4 acres in Cave Junction. Mancuso said she secured an AllCare Health grant for $14,000 to start recruiting and training volunteers and she also just secured a letter of intent from UCAN for continuum of care funding. In addition, several other community foundation grants have been applied for such as Four Way and Carpenter’s and a pre-application for $75,000 to the USDA for building equipment costs with help from Housing Assistance Council was submitted .
But more money is still needed to finish building. “I’m determined to keep applying for grants, so we can get the money to complete this important project. I hope the village will be ready before next winter.”
Mancuso explained that there is an I.V. HOPE Village Steering Committee that is composed of community members with a variety of backgrounds and perspectives. The committee is working on fundraising, facilities, operations and public relations for the village.
To date, the steering committee has made great strides and developed a Strategic Plan, Communications Plan and website with the help of Illinois Valley Community Development Organization.
IVCanDo Executive Director Lindsey B. Jones explained, “In 2022, survey results revealed that addressing homelessness was the top priority that IVCanDO should work on. This is why IVCanDO staff is on the steering committee. We are able to contribute by making connections, fundraising, strategic planning, communications design, and more. When we work together using our strengths, we will change lives and improve our community.”
“The ultimate goal is to find stable homes for our unhoused residents and I.V. HOPE Village will provide a pathway for them to get there,” said Mancuso.
If you would like to donate to this project with funds or volunteer time, or give items, services or skills, please visit or call Mancuso at 541-660-5191. Please like the new Facebook page I.V. Living Solutions to get the latest updates and remember, it is I.V. Living Solutions that is the nonprofit overseeing the I.V. HOPE Village project.