
Breaking the tobacco habit is tough but help is available

Tobacco and nicotine addiction is still a widespread problem for thousands of Oregonians, often coming at a cost much greater than the increase in prices behind the cash register at the local convenience store. In Oregon, nearly 8,000 people die each year of tobacco-related illnesses, which leaves many wondering what can be done to stop this issue in its tracks. Fortunately, there is hope in the form of several programs that are designed to teach Oregon residents how to combat this socially-acceptable addiction. 
According to the Center for Disease Control, the majority of adults and teenagers who have become dependent on nicotine want to quit, with many making at least one unsuccessful attempt over the course of their use. While the statistics initially look daunting, with less than 10 percent of adult cigarette smokers quitting the habit each year, research also indicates that as recently as 2015, the majority of adult cigarette smokers have actually successfully quit. 
This cessation rate looks great on the surface, but there are plenty of other variables to take into account when talking about modern nicotine addiction. In addition to the cigarette packs that many have grown accustomed to seeing over the decades, new, colorful vapes now sit alongside them in a variety of tantalizing flavors. To the unknowing consumer, these devices may seem like a healthier alternative to tobacco, as they lack the thick smoke that is known to deposit tar within the lungs. Though this may be true to some degree, vapes carry a multitude of other chemicals within them that are still generally harmful for the user to inhale. These chemicals, and the effects that inhaling vapor may have on the lungs, have not been studied as far as long-term usage goes. 
There has been lengthy discussion in the past surrounding whether or not flavored tobacco products and their sleek packaging is meant to appeal to younger audiences. Smokefree Oregon, an organization that works in conjunction with the Oregon Health Authority, cites a report from tobacco giant R.J Reynolds on their website, stating, “Where you see a young person, tobacco companies see a ‘replacement smoker.’” The marketing tactics utilized by tobacco companies over the years seem to back up this statement, as smoking devices are typically placed within eye-level of children and young adults in stores. Smoking is also oddly prevalent within children’s media sources such as video games, television and movies. 
While marketing tactics have shifted over time and become more modern, the silver lining is that this modern age also brings many educational resources for adults and teenagers to utilize with the aim of combating their addiction. Here are three sources available;

*The Smokefree Oregon website, https://smokefreeoregon.com++, aims to provide Oregonians with all of the information that they need to understand and fight the pull of their nicotine habit.
*AllCare Health also offers tobacco cessation counseling, citing support as one of the key factors in quitting, writing, “People don’t plan to fail, but they do fail to plan.” You can visit https://www.allcarehealth.com/medicaid/services/customer-care/tobacco-cessation-support.
*Online chats and supportive services are also available at https://quitnow.net/mve/quitnow.
It is never too late to start planning your journey out of the haze of nicotine addiction. If you or somebody you love would like more information, please visit smokefreeoregon.com and talk to your healthcare provider today about your desire to quit.