Public Notice

Feb. 22, 2023 Public Notices

On MONDAY, Feb. 27, 2023 at 7 p.m. the Cave Junction City Council is scheduled to conduct a City Council Meeting at City Hall Chambers located at 222 Lister Street, Cave Junction, Oregon. The current meeting and previous meetings may be viewed on the city’s website at Public participation is possible through a ZOOM video platform:
ID 876 5903 9519 Password: 351699.
The Public is invited to attend the council meeting and will be provided an opportunity to share their comments. Public comments must be completed within a 3-minute time limit. Speakers are allowed one opportunity for comments per meeting. The public may also submit their public comment for this meeting by providing their comment in writing prior to 4:00pm on February 24, 2023. ALL WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENT MAY BE DELIVERED TO THE DROP BOX AT CITY HALL OR EMAILED TO CITYOFCJ@CAVENET.COM. Please call (541) 592-2156 to confirm the city’s receipt of your public comment. Comments received in writing will be provided to the council prior to the council meeting and will be made a part of the permanent record.
The agenda for this meeting may include, but is not limited to, the following: Updates for Council: Public Works/Alex Ponder, PWD; Consent Agenda: Minutes, Municipal Court Updates, Planning Updates, Park Use Requests – IV Little League & Pet Parade; Council Liaison Updates; Public Comments; Ordinance 598 – An Ordinance updating MC 13.02.040 to reflect the updated utility application and deposit process; Public Hearing – Second Legislative Hearing – Zone Change – 435 S. Junction Avenue, Applicant – Jaysa LLC / Gary Price; Public Hearing – Second Quasi Judicial – Land Partition – Creating two lots @ 435 S. Junction Avenue – Applicant – Jaysa LLC/Gary Price; Ordinance 599 – Amending Ordinance No. 242 – Boundaries of zoning map and amending the Comprehensive Plan; Resolution 965 Declaring 120 N. Boundary a Nuisance; Executive Session – ORS 192.660 (2)(b,f,h) {As/If Required}; Comments: General Information; Council Member Comments; Mayor’s Comments: Adjournment Published: Feb. 22, 2023


Notice is hereby given that Thursday, March 02, 2023 at 7 p.m. the Cave Junction Parks & Recreation Commission will conduct a meeting at the City Hall Chambers located at 222 Lister Street, Cave Junction, Oregon. The public is invited to attend the meeting in person or by ZOOM: ID: 862 6235 2419 Password: 656206
The agenda for this meeting includes but is not limited to: Minutes; Review & decide where to place new flagpole & memorial from 435 S Junction property; funding sources for spray pad & park surfacing; overall park layout.


Josephine County
Indian Mary Park ADA Campsite Upgrades

Josephine County Parks Department is accepting sealed bids for the Indian Mary Park ADA Campsite Upgrades project. Sealed bids will be accepted at Josephine County Parks Department, 125 Ringuette Street, Grants Pass, Oregon 97527 until 2:00 p.m. on April 4, 2023, at which time they will be publicly opened and read, and after which time they will not be received or accepted.
Faxed or emailed bids will not be accepted. Bids must be submitted to: McKenzie Crume, Josephine County Parks Department, 125 Ringuette Street, Grants Pass, Oregon 97526, phone (541) 474-5285.
This project requires the contractor to supply all expertise, personnel, equipment and materials for modifying six (6) campsites to meet current ADA and ABA standards, including installing concrete areas and expanding parking stalls, camp sites, and pathways. Josephine County Parks will be responsible for removing existing asphalt and concrete. The Contractor may need to import materials for fill. Specific plans and specification for this project, and bid documents, may be viewed and downloaded at the following website link:.
A mandatory pre-bid conference will be held on Wednesday, March 8, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. at Indian Mary Park, located at 7100 Merlin Galice Road, Merlin, OR 97538. Bidders or their authorized representatives are required to attend this mandatory pre-bid conference. Bids will be accepted only from Bidders who have attended the pre-bid conference.
Prequalification of bidders is required. Bidders may obtain a Pre-Qualification Application from Josephine County Parks Department, 125 Ringuette Street, Grants Pass, Oregon 97527. The class(es) of work for which Bidders must be prequalified is Construction. Prequalification Applications must be submitted no later than 11:00 a.m. on March 31, 2023.
The contract is for a public works project subject to prevailing wage rates.
Published Feb. 22, 2023 in the Illinois Valley News