I hope you had an opportunity to participate in some way in the IV Lions Club Labor Day festivities. It has been a while since there was an “all out” event in Jubilee Park. Thank you to all the organizations and individuals who made it happen. It was my first time officially helping build a float and taking part in the parade.
The float was supported by the Illinois Valley Chamber of Commerce, the IV Community Development Organization, the Farmer’s Market, Main Street Cave Junction, and the City of Cave Junction. The theme of the float was “We Love Our City.” All these organizations are working hard in our community to make Cave Junction a better place to live. And this theme also speaks to the reason why I am mayor.
There are many nonprofits in Cave Junction and the Illinois Valley who are working toward making this a better place to live. Every time someone volunteers to help one of the many organizations in the community or serves on a board of directors or city council, they are making a difference. Every business owner is a positive resource for our community. Support them so they can support themselves and their families. Our families keep our schools vital and alive. They are the hope for our future and the backbone of our present. Every time someone does a single act of kindness or picks up a piece of trash, they are making a difference. When you show up for events or stand in the streets cheering at a parade you are making a difference.
It is time for me to get ready for the parade, so I am going to leave you with these words from a woman who cares passionately about a different kind of community, but a community nevertheless: “What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.” – Jane Goodall. And one more quote- “If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito” Dalai Lama. So, get out there and make a positive change, whatever it is.