Pat Jenkins
Health info you can trust. Printed or online health information can give you more power or control— if it’s accurate. But, you can’t trust everything you read. Here are some clues to help you decide what is most accurate. *”Evidence Based” Look for a list of sources. Do not rely on one person’s opinion or one study’s findings. *Current. Health info changes quickly sometimes. Check the dates it was published and last reviewed or updated. *”Quality-approved.” Does the site have a Health on the Net (HONcode) seal certifying reliability and credibility? *Balanced. Be wary of “miracles” or “cures.” Be sure risks and side effects are explained, not just benefits. *”Peer-reviewed.” Trust system reviews and randomized controlled trials in medical journals. *Unbiased. Is there a clear difference between ads and sponsored content vs. objective information? *”Government-sponsored.” Find a list of federal health info sites, like the NIH and CDC, at *From large nonprofits. You can trust info from places such as American Heart Association and American Cancer Society.Mayo Clinic.